Sunday, August 24, 2008


The Rain In Spain

Doesn't bother me at all. Dude, it's in Spain.

The rain here, however, is pissing me off greatly. Remember that fibrefest I was going to go to on August 9?

Yeah. That one.

It had been billed as a "Pic-Knit" ... everyone pack a lunch and come hang out outside with knitters and spinners and vendors and so forth. I had no idea that they had bad-weather contingency plans and so when I woke on the morning of the event and the rain was coming down in buckets (thunder and all) I called and said I assumed it was cancelled and hoped they'd tell me if it was rescheduled or was going to be held next year instead or whatever, unloaded the car and went on my merry way.

Unfortunately I didn't get the phone call until about four hours later that they were moving the event indoors and I could have still gone.

Bah. I ended up both broke and embarrassed.

Today was supposed to be my husband's company picnic. Yet again with the bucketing of the rain. Not such a great loss -- it wouldn't likely have been all that much fun, but I'm sort of getting annoyed about all of this. I mean, dudes, my HEAT came on the other day. In August!

(OK, I'm not quite as hardy as The Yarn Harlot, who doesn't turn her heat on until the cat has icicles hanging from its nose, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, either.)

Anyhow, the bad thing is that I've been cranky and depressed. The good thing is that I have all of the yarn left over from what I was going to take to the fest. I've been slowly hauling my ass out of my funk and did a small store update a couple of days ago, and more last night. (There are even a couple of skeins of Revenge there, methinks.)

I'm going to sleep for a few hours (yes, I do that sometimes, apparently at unconventional times) and then do some more.

And maybe find something to write about that isn't either whining or blatant commercialism.

I'm almost proud of myself for having managed to work both into the same post.

It's the little things that keep me going ...

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Happy Flu!

To please Dr. Mel. And because I am a sheep.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008



Still here, still busy, still with too many emails ... I'll be back shortly.

While I get my shit together, why don't you watch this.

Make sure you have a couple of kleenex.

Friday, August 08, 2008


Never Apologize, Never Explain ...

Actually I'm doing both here.

I apologize for being absent.

The explanation? I got yer explanation right here.

Happening tomorrow. Drop by if you're in the neighbourhood.

Regular cussing and ranting will recommence next week.

Or not.

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