Sunday, August 12, 2012



And, dear asshole, the little girl whose art you stole?

When she was around seven, she drew and painted a dragon. It was displayed at a local mall for about a month, and then it went to our nation's capital, Ottawa, where it was displayed as an example of what art the youth of our country can do.

And then when she was nine, she dyed some wool (she works in several media. Mediums. that.) and we went to Fibre Week at Olds, Alberta and an internationally-renowned fibre artist, Cat Bordhi, said that her work was so amazing that it should never be used for socks and hidden in shoes. It was so beautiful that it should be displayed where everyone could see it.

She is an artist who will be heard from. Often and with volume. You might want to hold on to her sketches ... may be worth some money one day.

She actually doesn't care that her sketchbook is gone; she thinks it's funny that you thought you were getting a computer and just got some scribbles; she can make more. She thinks that you're stupid for taking something of no commercial value.

Me? I'm her mommy, so I don't think it's all that funny at all.

And you're still an asshat.

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