Sunday, May 22, 2011



I've been spending a lot of time on Facebook these days. I apparently have an addictive personality and the FB, I am addicted to it.

A lot of the communication is short blurbs, comments and so on, but now and again someone posts a long note that is of ... well, of note. As it were.

My friend Ramona posted this the other day.

It made me think. A lot. I'm hoping it makes you think also.

My response to it was as follows:

"I read your article about "Perfection" ... and then had it brought home to me by a specific example today. I locked the keys in the car, managed to get home, and had to go talk to our new property managers to try to get into the house. While we were walking over to my townhouse, I said something about having to clean, air out and paint the unit they are moving into at the end of the month, as the previous managers were heavy smokers and smoked indoors.

I had always been intimidated by the wife (she could be quite an unpleasant person) because when I went to pay rent, apart from the stink, her kitchen was always SPOTLESS, with even the canisters scrubbed. Mine usually has splats on top of the stove and we won't talk about the rest of the house.

Well ... the new manager told me that the place was so filthy it was insane. There was even cat shit in the corner of one of the bedrooms. Apparently the kitchen was the only room that was ever cleaned.

Now, my house certainly needs work still, and I have far too much crap. But it's not literally CRAP."

It's so easy to gather misconceptions, isn't it?

Thanks so much for posting this. The link couldn't have been more timely (unless I had read it seven hours earlier.)
I'm finally letting go of my need to hide the truth about my 3-D house of stuff (it's nothing 500 square feet of spare storage wouldn't cure). My tiny home could fit into the foyer of some of my friends' homes (for real - I'm not kidding) and it contains all the belongings of two packrats, both of whom are artists and musicians and have instruments and materials for numerous fields of creative endeavour, not to mention most of whatever else we've owned and accumulated since primary school. And, despite occasionally relapses into wishing someone would go all "Clean Sweep/Peter Walsh" on it's ass while I'm out, I am getting over the socially conditioned guilt and nagging feeling that I should be more organized and instead I'm really enjoying spending my energy and my creative capital where it really belongs unfettered by the need to keep a perfect home. I'm beginning to suspect that actually my messy home is perfect for me.
Holy shit. I am going to send this article to my kiddo and post it everyfuckingwhere.

I wish I would have been told something like this three years ago. But I will hold onto those thoughts forever now.

Thanks for sharing this.
The best thing I ever saw was from Queer Joe ( when he said "Don't compare your inside to my outside". I use that multiple times a day on myself. I could not read the entire Perfection article (at work right now) but sent the link to my home computer for tonight. Thanks for the post.
thanks for the link. it reminded me that i've come a long way . . . and still could make some positively im-perfect changes for my mental health. but these days, i mostly love being me.

nice to see you blogging again, rabbitch. i'm hoping to say hi at sock summit and thank you in person for the times you've made me laugh and made me think -- sometimes simultaneously.
Yeah. I have heard 'Perfection' referred to as ego. Honesty is best; it takes courage, but it is best.

Real on!

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