Thursday, December 06, 2007


Brave New World

So today I decided to see if I could dye roving without felting it. I have tons of roving and a few folks have asked me if I'll sell it dyed.

I said "yes", most confidently but as usual ran about in circles in a panic afterwards.

"What if I felt it?" "What if it looks like weasel puke?" "What if it's no fun?"

Anyhow I was talking to a friend, I think yesterday, and we were discussing the unfortunate and untimely demise of her marriage. I said something about "spinning visions of revenge" and she responded with "I wonder what that colourway would look like?" And then gave me a pretty clear idea of what I was going to do with the 3 oz of Wensleydale I had sitting in my roving basket (which is quite separate, and a lot smaller, than The Roving Cupboard, which is not the item in question at this point so shut up and stop asking me when I'm going to spin all of this stuff, ok?)

So I dyed it. And it didn't felt.

It's not quite what I had in mind, but it's pretty darned close.

Mafia's Revenge a
Originally uploaded by Rabbitch

Mafia's Revenge
Originally uploaded by Rabbitch

I think I'm in lurve.

This roving will be going to Herself shortly, however I have also dyed some sock yarn in this colourway, as I wisely (and unusually -- shut up) wrote down what I did.

Welcome to the world, little colourway. I hope you'll be very happy here.

Hee Hee....always knew you were 'one of us'. Birthing a new colorway is an astonishing transformation. Congrats because it is very purdy!
Dayum - that's gorgeous.

I was terrified to dye my first roving too - but I (and it) survived. And actually spun up well too. Whew!
Ooh! Purty!! And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to inspire panic with roving questions. Although you do have to watch out for those roving questions, as they have a tendency to smash things on the way by, very much like bulls in china shops. I'm glad you got to have fun playing with dyes today :)
If it had looked like weasel puke, then you would have had your colorway name!
Beautiful dye job. Pretty damned inspired if I say so.....
Ohyeah. Beautiful revenge. Looks powerful. I hearts it!
Should we worry that you knew what colorway revenge should be? (PS - I like it loads)
Wow, it looks wonderful! I'm glad you wrote it down, because it's definitely worth repeating!!!
OMG! It's for me! Hooooooray. Do you think if I spin it with spite and knit it into a thong that she'll get an STD? Like the twisted version of the cooking emotions into food scenes from Like Water For Chocolate? Did you dye it with spite? Just wondering.
I LOVE IT! Mafia will love to work with it too. Wonder what freedom from xifey would look like too.....just sayin....
What a lovely thing you hath wrought! If it wasn't going to Mafia, I'd want it for myself...

What a great way to get a new color way...revenge...sweet, sweet revenge...

Though it does make one wonder if you two spoke of what the revenge would look like...not just the color! (I'm thinking that two totally twisted minds like yours might be something to quail at if on the receiving end...)
Lovely. But most important: was it maybe... fun?
Orange for the ash of the burnt playlist... yes, I see it--it's the perfect colorway. But Mafia, knit this into something YOU are going to wear with a flourish in your NEW life.
Most delectable and far from weasel puke, m'dere.
What a gorgeous colorway. Hopefully, we get to see what she knits up with it.
Would you believe that I've never dyed yarn? Yup. Only fiber. Roving, carded batts, uncarded crap that needed color to make me love it...but never yarn. You're right. It's an addiction.

I don't dye as much as you do, so I use a crock pot...easy peasy!!!
It's beautiful!!
I'm glad that one was written down. It is totally worth repeating. Great job!
That colorway is good enough that I would break my yarn/roving diet to get some.
That's nice - I don't knit or crochet but I like fibres, so thought I'd ooh and aah some over this new colourway. Oooh. Aaah. Oooh. Aaah. Mmm (just for good measure).
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