Tuesday, September 11, 2007


More Warshcloths

Good grief, I'm even keeping my promise to post more of these. Will wonders never cease? Maybe I'll even get marginally organized one day.

Nah. Never happen.

One of the most enjoyable things about this is that I have been getting to "meet" new people and find blogs I haven't run across before. Thanks everyone for adding to the fun!

Originally uploaded by Rabbitch

These two washcloths are from Marsha.

Lovely and lacy!

Originally uploaded by Rabbitch

Next up we have nine cloths from Diane in New Hampshire.

Despite having 2 jobs and working a schedule just as demented as mine, she got all of these pretties done.

Clearly I'm a slacker and need to knit more ...

Originally uploaded by Rabbitch

Diane also sent me my very own washcloth with a sheep in the middle of it. Thank you so much!

This has been hidden in the bathroom that my husband and daughter don't use. No way is it going in the main one.

I'm not sharing.

Originally uploaded by Rabbitch

These puppies come all the way from Edinburgh, Scotland.

They are Jane-Beth's first washcloths, but I do believe she's addicted.

Welcome to your new country, little washcloths, and thank you Jane-Beth!

Originally uploaded by Rabbitch

These 12 cloths are the first instalment from my buddy Ann.

Yes, first instalment. Apparently she's a knitting machine -- there are another dozen here also.

Thank you, Ann!

Originally uploaded by Rabbitch

These five cloths are from Julie.

They were left for me at Birkeland Brothers, so I don't have a last name or a city (I have it in my head that you're from Victoria, but I don't know why) or a blog ... but thank you anyhow!

They'll be very welcome in their new home.

And that's all of the cutting and pasting and copying and linking I can bear for one day. Really, I think my head is going to explode from it some time soon.

Check back tomorrow for more.

Great googly moogly, I don't even get a chance to comment on the first batch and you post more! Congratulations to everyone, and man, what a bunch of gorgeous washcloths.

After I finish some blanket squares for another project, maybe I can get to some warshcloths... It's just that I am so bloody slow! Of course, it would help if I bought some cotton yarn. There's a thought.
You're like washcloth central up there! Nice!
These are great! I actually have a few to send (is sorta small OK?); do you mind saying again how to get them up to you? They're not going to be nearly so lovely as these, but they're cotton and they'll clean people, which I figure is the point of a washcloth, no? :) Is it too late?
Holy Crap! Pictures and posts two days in a row!
Thanks so much for the shout-out! But I can't take credit for the washcloth on the bottom in the first photo. It looks like it's in the same yarn as the lacey one on top (which I did send), but I didn't knit that one!

A mystery washcloth...
The hubby ran out to the post office with a package headed your way this afternoon...a little late, but better that than never!

What was your original goal, again?
dearest rabbitch,

I am the ass-wipe that has been too self-absorbed to send you any warshcloths like I said I would. Please don't hate me, I already hate myself. I would, however, be happy to live up to my 'other' promise and supply a gift if you are giving them out to any of the stellar human beings who actually kept their word and maid said cloths. Off to flog myself, now!
maid? Was that a fruedian slip or what? I meant 'made' of course. I must have gotten confused - as the flogging can only come after I've done the lunch dishes only to have to feed this people for a third time this evening and dirty them up again. Geez, where'd I get 'maid'?
Dude, I just remembered that I have 2 washclothes sitting in my fiber room ready to go. Now if I can remember to go to the post office.
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