Sunday, January 21, 2007


Call Me Ma'am

Well, here we are at yet another celebration of my natal day.

Today finds me considerably older than yesterday (a whole year!) but apparently little wiser, which suits me just fine.

Luckier? Yes. Much, much luckier.

I was going to get mushy and wax on about how much the friendships I've made through this here blogthing have enriched my life and bla bla bla I love all of you but you just know I'd forget to link to someone and then they'd get all miffed and there would be Jello fights in the parking lot and ... oh, hey. There's a thought! But no. I'll show a little restraint for once.

Forty-five years. It's been a wild ride. And I'll take another 45 if FSM's willing. Or, you know, if my liver holds out that long.

Thank you so much to everyone who reads this. You rock.

tomorrow: i admit my yarn-related birthday transgressions and wax poetic about my new loom. and swift. and ball-winder. and such

Happy, happy birthday!!! Jello fights in the parking lot would be a NEW way to celebrate ...

Can't wait to hear about your yarn-related presents!
Did someone say Jello Shots in the parking lot? No? Damn.

Happy Birthday Missus!
Yarn-related (and other) transgressions don't really count as "transgressions" on your birthday.....A VERY HAPPY DAY to you!

(I vote for the Jello, too...with or without alcohol!)
i'll raise a glass in your honor, ms. rabbitch!

-- a. nonnie mouse (NO relation to your recent plague o' rats!)
Much joy and boozy fun on this most auspicious of days! Have a brilliant year girl, full of yarn, and jello, I guess. If that's what will make you happy. ;)
Happy, b'day, Ma'am!
Happy Stinkin' Birthday!
(Yarn winder and swift? Yay for you!)
Sorry, that was from me, kmkat(no w)
Happy Birthday dear!

I vote for the jello shots too. I do believe I'll make up a batch. hehe
happy birthday to you
you live in a zoo
you look like a monkey
and you smell like one too!

at least it's not a rat!
Happy day to you.
Jello shots, jello fights - either one will do! Or both. Happy Birthday!

Apparently my URL contains illegal characters so I can't leave my email address. Illegal characters. I'm so proud!

Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks.

And what are these things "Jello Shots"? Is it like paintball?
I was wondering if you were going to get around to posting today, I hope it's been a grand day for you, hell yeah, jello shots you say? :)
And yes, I agree with you, the best folks were born on 21 Jan...and you bet, my brother has a very respectful sailor mouth on him.
Looking forward to the photos.
"Here's looking at you, kid"
Happy Birthday! I hope its a great year for you.
jello shots? WOOOOOHOOOOO!

and here's to you
our dear rabbitch
FSM loves you more than you will know
whoa whoa whoa

(and so do we)

I raise a glass in your honor!
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to Yoooouuuu
Happy Birthday Dear Rabbitch!
Happy Birthday to Yooouuuuu!

(sorry I'm 5 min late!)
Happy Birthday, Ma'am!
*H*A*P*P*Y* *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y* !
Jello shots and fiber porn! Woot! Happy Birthday young lady.
Happy Birthday Rabbitch! You DO know what goes great with jello shots.. right?
Vole Salad Samwiches. Hee hee hee!
Happy Birthday, Ma'am. Call me when you get that Jello fight organized, would you? but perhaps we could wait till it warms up a bit.
Happy Birthday! May the coming year be full of fibre and free of vermin!
A new loom, swift and ball winder?? Sounds like you're having a great birthday! Happy One Year Older, and I have to say, ditto on the rodent-free year. I'm interested in seeing pics of the jello fight, too, if you ever get it organized. =)
It's a little cold for Jell-o fights in the parking lot this time of year, eh? But if you want to host pudding wrestling in your parking lot later in the spring, I am so there baby.

Happy birthday!
Hey - I hope you had a great birthday yesterday! Jello fights in the parking lot sounds like great fun! I suspect it's a bit warmer where you are than here, and running around throwing jello at people would at least keep us warm. And shooters afterwards would do the trick.

All the best
Lise in cold Ottawa
Happy Birthday! Jennifer in Oak Park
Happy, happy from a regular reader of rapturous rants!
Happy Birthday! Getting older isn't fun, but it does beat the alternative. Most of the time, anyway.
Happy Birthday Rabbitch - Long live your liver.
I'm not participating in jello fights unless they're NAKED jello fights.
Happy Birthday, Glory.
I'm a whole day late!

Happy Mirthday a la Loonette the Clown (Big Comfy Couch), or Happy Hatch Day a la Miss Spider's Sunny Patch. Oy - I gotta get out more!

Take care and enjoy all of your goodies!
Here's to you. May be late, but the good wishes should still work. Happy Birthday!

Girlfriend, if you didn't exist, the knitblogiverse would band together and create you by force of will. Long may you wave....
(insert Queen E II signature wave) (or maybe the pope's alla youdagos offa da lawn wave)...
I would have regaled you with lousy poetry but didn't want a big blob of lime green with bananas hurled at me. Happy birthday!

So is wtusbbuu what you say after having a jello shot (jello infused with alcohol for you babes in the woods out there)?
I'm of the opinion that it's no good to have a perfectly functioning liver at 95 yrs old, if you can't remember why it was so important to have it in the first place!

I raise my Bailey's double, on the rocks, and wish you Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, dear Rabbitch!
Happy Birthday!
Many Happy Returns!
Happy Happy Birthday/Drinking Day!

Naked jello-shot wrestling? I'm so in.

And my verification word is "fghop." Just so you know.
MWAH! Happy Bday!
Trust me to be late...

Happy birthday, Ma'am!

I hope it was a wonderful day, and remember that birthday shopping does not count. Just like birthday eating. ;^)
I'm with the others--"Jello fights in the parking lot" simply suggest I must change my birthday party plans. Silly me, not checking with you!

I turn 43 in a week. Happy birthday, my friend!
Warpy birdie two ewes!

word up- uupfu is verification for sure - Snork-oh sorry, tutu many jello shots........
Happy birthles and make sure it's lime jello.
Happiest of Birthdays Hot-Bunnie-Mama! We did a naked moon dance to bring you luck in your 46th year, hopefully the goddesses were more pleased than repulsed.
happy birthday, a day late & a loon short. I wish you wonderful hours of sleep, perhaps enhanced by jello shots.
I can't wait for this year to unfold -

Happy Birthday!
Well Happy Birthday to YOU! DH had his the day before you. And, you know what? I feel like I've gained a whole year (ok, maybe only half a year)! Sometime about 6 months ago I started thinking I was 46, then a few weeks ago I realized I am STILL 45. For two whole more months! Then, what is it? Old bag-dom?
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to the Rabbitch!
Happy Birthday! And have a jello shot for me! ;-)
Congrats on making it through another year. May the one to come be happy, healthy, and fiber-laden. :-)
Happy birthday and welcome to 45! Not as bad as it sounds... tear it up and celebrate!
Wishing you happy happy on your special day! I hope it was a great one!!!
Belated-as-usual happy birthday wishes! I believe Blogger is still celebrating, too. ufnktaos? Funky Taos? Unfunked chaos? See, this is your problem with it, it's been having all those Jello shots! Someone should explain you meant Jello fights...
Everyone knows birthday related yarn transgressions don't count. It's like how none of the calories you consume on your birthday count either. :)

Happy belated birthday!
Woot! Remeber that idea I had last time! Let's do the same thing! YeeHaw! Happy Birthday, sister. Now I want to see *your* loom!
Stop being younger than me, you bitch!

Or: Happy Birthday!

Your choice. XOXO
Late to the whole jello-throwing shebang, I wish you a happy birthday-plus-364-days.
And many more.
Yes Ma'am. Happy Birthday Ma'am.
Can I get you a zimmer frame? Ma'am.
Sorry, sorry, sorry I missed your birthday. Best wishes for it just the same.
Jello shots - is that like collagen implants but sorta more wobbly?
Holy Crapola. I was a week a behind on your posts, and damn! Missed your big day. Hopefully this makes it feel like your "birthday week." If I ever make it up there, I'll make up for it in cocktails ;-)
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