Thursday, October 06, 2005



Sorry dudes, I'm having a personal meltdown involving a battle with my husband's company (still no cheque, therefore no rent paid) a battle with my husband (won't lift a finger around the house), increased work hours (which I want -- it's very easy work, well-paid and I can do it at my leisure but it sure eats up the hours) and now the teachers have gone on strike so I'm going to have to juggle more kidtime with getting everything else organized.

It sucks to be me right now, however it takes a lot to keep a Rabbitch down. I'm figuring by Monday I'll either be organized or I'll have an eviction notice. I'm hoping that my refrigerator carton under the bridge has internet access ... *g*

(No, my parents won't let me end up homeless, stop shrieking and wondering what's going to happen to my stash).

Please forgive me if there's less merriment than usual over the next couple of days.

A meltdown seems entirely justified. I wish there was something I could do.

Rabbitch, would you like a whip for Christmas? A real one. It occurs to me the husband part of the problem set is solveable. It's just a thought.
You always seem to pull a solution out of nowhere. Just think of that and either go with the meltdown and plenty of alcohol or just know everything always works out. Perhaps the next time you whoop ass at hubby's payroll person, ask for a letter stating the issue is their fault. May stave off some of the wolves.
Is that 3 things? Because it sounds like you are getting more than your share of crap these days. Meltdown is certainly justified. I think it takes more than one unpaid rent to trigger eviction though so I'd just let the landlord know you haven't forgotten about him and then focus on the other stuff.

You don't seem like the kind of girl who made some commitment to looking after your husband's domestic needs when you married him. If you thought you got yourself a 'partner' maybe it's time to check in with him about what he thought he got.
There is a lot flowing your way lately. A friend of mine was saying the other day - I wonder what it would feel like to live in that world? Where you drop you socks any old where, pee on the floor in front of the toilet, leave your coffee cups all over and just go get a new one, and someone mysteriously comes along and cleans it all up.
All those small children would drive me nuts, too. You do have wine?
I heard about the strike on the radio this a.m. and immediately though of you and EB. I hope the pendulum swings the other way for you soon. If you decide to kick him to the curb for being a slob, can I come up and marry you instead? ;-)
Hang in there, toots. You will conquer it all.
The shit does always seem to hit the fan in one giant clump doesn't it... geez.
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