Sunday, September 18, 2005


No Fair!

At least not for us. Not this year.

Hubby finished his OFA2 (Occupational First Aid Level 2) training and got a new job (same company). More money (very welcome!) but he can hardly take time off two weeks into the new routine.

I'm afraid that The Puyallup Fair will have to do without us this year. Seeing I haven't actually finished carding the stuff I bought last year that's likely a good thing, however I am not on a fibre diet and would have enjoyed getting something diferent to spin. Some silk maybe? Some ... hmm, anything but bamboo.

(Don't feel bad for me -- I have a bag of amazing purple kid mohair sitting next to me as we speak.)

To anyone and everyone I was hoping to see on our trip down there, um, maybe we can touch base before Steph's inevitable next book tour and do something around that time? Or maybe we can make it for the Little Puyallup.

I'm disappointed but not devastated, because on Tuesday we have this season's first Weavers and Spinners Guild meeting. I feel like an utter fraud going to this meeting. I mean, I haven't yet managed to find room or time for my loom, and as for spinning -- can I really call myself a spinner? With a couple of skeins of natural stuff, the morally-bankrupt little purple skein (now resting atop the Yarn Harlot's piano, I believe) and a few metres of clown barf to my credit, I think not. But go I shall, seeing I seem to have some urgent need to belong to this group. From what I can see so far, they are an enthusiastic and welcoming group of ladies. It's a teaching guild, which is a good thing, as I'm a learning kinda rabbit. Maybe if I take along some of the stuff I've dyed I can fake them into believing I can do stuff.

Or maybe if I lock my daughter in the closet tomorrow (PD day at school), spin like mad all day and make a hat and ...

Nah. Let's just hope they're forgiving.

Curious. Is a husband a necessary accessory for fair-going? Or is he needed for childcare?

I'm not going to the Puyallup Fair either, so sad.
So sad to miss you...
Let us know when you're in town next and we'll see if something can be arranged then.
We didn't make it to the Puyallup either.
The skein is indeed sitting atop the piano, spreading good spinning karma throughout my home.
You want I should mail it back to you as an admission pass to the guild meeting?

I love guilds. Go.
Too bad about the fair!

After the little event I went to yesterday, I think I might have to try this whole spinning thing. Looks so fun and relaxing??? Have a great time at the guild...I'm sure they'll forgive you!
I must know - how does one pronounce Puyallup?

And have fun at the guild - they'll love you with the learning and the enthusiasm and the clown barf. You'll feel right at home in no time.
pew-AL-up (closest I can get with letters).

I am a near life-long resident of western Washington, and I have never gotten past the rabbits to look at the sheep. It never even occured to me there would be good fiber to touch and buy.

{sitting in corner with pointed hat on}
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