Saturday, September 18, 2004


Take Me To The River

Worked all day, slept three hours, worked all night, slept four and a half hours ... and this is how I chose to unwind this afternoon.

This river is a few hundred yards from my home.

Envy me.

That looks like the river that rumbles by Stemwinder favorite place to camp.....although I hear they experienced quite a mudslide this summer.
Stemwinder is on the Similkameen. I'm in North Vancouver. That's the Seymour River. You coming to stalk me yet? *g*
Let me tell you about living next to rushing water. . .

But the photos are lovely and I'm glad you're getting a little "down" time.
No....not stalking you. I couldn't find "Rabbitch" in the phone book.
I do envy you. I love rivers like that, but only have them in the mountains down this way. Of course, I don't live in the mountains. So yes, I envy. Bah.
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